The HCSB translates Hebrews 11:1 differently than do the NASB and the ESV, which render it more or less the same, though the HCSB gives the same translation options as the latter two versions in its footnote. The HCSB's rendering of Hebrews 11:1 seems to me to imply that our living faith is visible evidence for the unseen that we profess, while the other two translations seem to imply that faith is simply the strong belief in what is unseen. These are two distinct definitions for faith. In short, one definition is that faith is evidence for the unseen and the other is that faith is strong belief in the unseen. Which is more accurate?  Which translation hits closest to the mark? -- Gabriel

The Greek term elegchos can be rendered either way!

The word means "verification" or "certainty." There is nothing empirical about it. But then biblical faith isn't a blind faith or "leap into the dark." 

To your question: I would read through the examples supplied in the rest of Hebrews 11. Ask, Is this blind faith? Or has evidence been given? Often we are able to trust, even in the absence of evidence, because of previous evidence, or because of our experience of God's working in our lives. (Surely this counts as evidence, too.)