I have a question. I read the Chinese Bible. In a morning Quiet Time I came to Luke 6:38, where the word "funnel" is used, whereas "good measure" is used in the English Bible. They are really different, and I am wondering how to explain the difference. My leaders suggested I contact you at the website to find an answer!

Well, I am flattered. But I do not know a word of Chinese. That is, unless you are talking about the dialect called Western Menu Chinese--there I might be able to help you! But I have contacted my sources in China, and am informed that "funnel" was the common instrument for measure in ancient China, and therefore this word is usually interchangeable with the word "measure." So we could still use this word to describe measure today, even though people don't use the funnel to measure anymore.

I thank God for disciples the world over! (And especially for the disciple, who remains anonymous--for his own protection--who was easily able to answer your question.) Hope that clears everything up.

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