According to Acts 2, to become a Christian we must repent and be baptised. My question is in regard to exactly what repentance is referring to. In Acts, it does not appear that an in-depth knowledge of everything that is sin was required for salvation. What do you think? How much understanding of sin is required for a valid baptism? -- Steve (Brisbane)

I think you are probably right. Our understanding of sin and appreciation of our lostness apart from God increases, not just during the time we are studying the Bible to become followers of Jesus, but afterwards as well. When we say "Jesus is Lord," we mean it to the best of our knowledge and ability at the time. Certainly our walk with God deepens as time goes by. For example, we would not expect a newly licensed driver to drive with the wisdom or experience that comes only with years of practice. Ephesians 4:21-24 describes the process of repentance as we come to know Christ, while Ephesians 4:25-32 demands that we continue to change.

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