with Douglas Jacoby
2 October 2024
Good morning from rainy England!
The purpose of the weekly bulletin is to provide food for thought—grist for the mill, inspiration for the journey, manna for the soul.
Just as with dietary consumption, so with our spiritual diet: we can eat healthily (the nuts I just ate in the photo to the right) or unhealthily (randomly flipping through the Bible, or sipping the swill passing for genuine Christianity).
With this in mind, today’s menu offers the latest questions and answers, the 2nd-century writings of a philosopher who converted to Christianity and died for his faith, our upcoming webinar on Creation & Evolution, and several thought-provoking quotes.
1673. Did fed-up Corinthians leave their church?
Q: Is there any way to know what Christians at Corinth—disgusted by the way things were in the church—acted? Did they just stay until things changed? What happened to that church long term? — M.C.
A: The Corinthian church is famous for its issues. In fact, it’s probably fair to describe it as a problem-saturated fellowship! (Partisanship, immorality, lawsuits… the list is long.) But no, there isn't any historical information to answer your question. However, you might be interested to read 1 Clement, a letter written to Corinth about 95 AD… KEEP READING
1674. Will people go to hell for not giving their Sunday contribution?
Q: Yesterday at church a brother gave the contribution message, in which he stated, “I won’t go to hell if I don’t give anything to this collection.” His reason for giving nothing: “I want my money”… — Anon.
A: I am unable to analyze the problem, or understand the brother’s motives, from a distance—especially since I don’t know your local congregation. And besides, I live 4000 miles away. But if I’m reading you correctly… KEEP READING
Next week: Can Christians Take Oaths (i.e. government jobs)? Is the soul created at birth? (Does it die after death?) and “Seasoned with salt”?
The First Apology of Justin Martyr (c.160 AD)
Justin was an eminent 2nd-century apologist—one who gave reasons for the Christian faith. A Samaritan, he hailed from the biblical town of Shechem (Neapolis, modern Nablus). He was an astute philosopher, though not brought up in the faith. In the coming weeks we will explore his writings, beginning with the best known work, his First Apology. He aimed to convince nonbelievers of the truth of Christ. Although the Apology is worth reading in full, I offer only a handful of things I noticed this time through.
- Justin teaches that after death the wicked will suffer infinite punishment—not 1000 years, as Plato thought (chap. viii; see also xxvii and lii). The doctrine of infinite torment gained currency in the 2nd century, becoming the default view of the church.
- He reminds us that God has no proper name (chap. x). This has implications; for more, click HERE.
- On the Trinity: “… the true God himself.. holding [Jesus Christ] in the second place, and the prophetic Spirit in the third…” (chap. xiii). That is, the persons of the Trinity are equal in essence, but not in rank.
- On remarriage: It’s a sin to marry a second wife after divorcing the first (chap. xv)—a hyper-literal interpretation of Matthew 5. For more on this, click HERE.
- On paganism: The pagan gods are immoral, e.g. Jupiter (chap. xxi). What a contrast to the true God!
- On Simon the Sorcerer: "There was a Samaritan, Simon, a native of the village called Gitto, who in the reign of Claudius Caesar [41-54 AD], and in your royal city of Rome, did mighty acts of magic, by virtue of the art of the devils operating in him. He was considered a god, and as a god was honored by you with a statue, which statue was erected on the river Tiber, between the two bridges, and bore this inscription, in the language of Rome: Simoni Deo Sancto, To Simon the Holy God" (chap. xxvi).
Our next webinar is on 26 October. The speaker is Prof. Denis Lamoureux of the University of Alberta. His topic: "Beyond the Creation & Evolution Debate.” Christians hold a variety of views on evolution, from complete acceptance to outright rejection, and several views in between. During this 90-minute web seminar from Prof. Denis Lamoureux of the University of Alberta, you will learn about five major views on creation held by Christians and how they handle the challenge of evolutionary biology.
Join us and decide for yourself! Denis is not only a respected friend, but a scholar with three earned doctorates—one in theology and another in biology, putting him in the perfect position to teach intelligently on this sometimes contentious topic. (He also holds a doctorate in dentistry.) The webinar is ideal for anyone with questions about Genesis and science—yourself, family members, even educators.
Our time together will include time for questions and answers.
Saturday 26 October 2024
- 10:00-11:30 am Eastern US Time
- Price: $10 (free for website members)
- Ideal for anyone with questions about Genesis, science, and evolution.
- Also great for educators.
- I choose gentleness… Nothing is won by force. I choose to be gentle. If I raise my voice may it be only in praise. If I clench my fist, may it be only in prayer. If I make a demand, may it be only of myself. — Max Lucado (1955—)
- If you subscribe to a culture in which life is cheap, and the sacrifice of others is seen as acceptable to sustain your own obsession with pleasure, luxury, wealth and entertainment, you have bought into the narrative of empire. — Ray Vanderlaan
- The extreme greatness of Christianity lies in the fact that it does not seek a supernatural remedy for suffering but a supernatural use for it. — Simone Weil (1909-1943)
Next week: an amazing quote for fellow (recovering) workaholics.
That’s all for this issue. Remember, back issues are always available, with 100s of articles, audio messages, quiet time ideas, commentary, Q&As, and Christian evidences.
Have a great week!
— Douglas