Romans A-Z

In 26 daily lessons, we will explore Paul’s longest letter.

Romans A-Z—Why this Bible Study series?

Posted: January 5, 2015

Do you need structure in your daily Bible reading? Or want to study an entire book of the Bible—not various verses, but a whole book, to get a sense of the flow?… Read More

Romans Z (16:1-27)

Posted: January 26, 2015

We have studied Romans from A to Z. Listen to the final podcast (19 minutes) here. In Romans Z, Paul sends greetings, makes a few final comments, and rounds off… Read More

Romans Y (15:15-33)

Posted: January 25, 2015

Click on the link to hear the penultimate podcast in our series Romans A-Z.  This lesson (16 minutes) reveals Paul’s philosophy of ministry, and something of his grand vision for… Read More

Romans X (14:1-15:14)

Posted: January 24, 2015

Romans X is the 24th podcast (19 minutes) in our series Romans A-Z. Ever in mind is unity between Jewish-background and Gentile-background Christians, although the principles of the chapter have… Read More

Romans W (13:1-14)

Posted: January 23, 2015

Romans W (21 minutes) explores chapter 13. Click here to download. Passages referred to or alluded to: Daniel 3; 6; Matthew 7:12; Leviticus 19:18; Exodus 20; Deuteronomy 5; 1 Peter… Read More

Romans V (12:9-21)

Posted: January 22, 2015

Romans V takes us through the balance of chapter 12. The podcast (15 minutes) contains some surprises — for most Bible believers, at any rate. Click here to download. Verses… Read More

Romans U (12:1-8)

Posted: January 21, 2015

Romans U (16 minutes) is the 21st lesson in our series Romans A-Z. As is his custom, Paul lays highly practical teaching (chapters 12-16) on a solid theological foundation (chapters 1-9)…. Read More

Romans T (11:33-36)

Posted: January 20, 2015

This is the last podcast based on Romans 9-11. This special passage taken up in Romans T (11 minutes) concludes the section, setting things in perspective. Scriptures referred to: Psalm… Read More

Romans S (11:1-32)

Posted: January 19, 2015

This is Romans S, the 19th study in the series Romans A-Z. In this podcast (25 minutes) we will almost finish our study of Romans 11. (Romans T will cover Paul’s… Read More

Romans R (10:1-21)

Posted: January 18, 2015

Romans R (19 minutes) covers the tenth chapter of the epistle. Verses referenced include Job 40:3-5; Deuteronomy 30:11-14; Acts 22:16; 10:28,34-35, 43-48; Galatians 1:14; Psalms 19:5; Deuteronomy 32:21; and Proverbs… Read More

Romans Q (9:1-32)

Posted: January 17, 2015

Romans Q (19 minutes) covers all of chapter 9. Verses referred to (mainly outside Romans) include Exodus 32:32; Psalm 49:6-8; Genesis 25; Genesis 27; Exodus 7; Colossians 1:21; Isaiah 29; Isaiah… Read More

Romans P (8:18-39)

Posted: January 16, 2015

Listen to the 16th podcast (23 minutes) in our series on Romans. Verses referred to are 2 Corinthians 4:16-18; 2 Timothy 4:18; Hebrews 7:25; 2 Thessalonians 2:14; Jude 21; and… Read More

Romans O (8:12-17)

Posted: January 15, 2015

The 15th lesson in our series (16 minutes) is Romans O, covering the middle section of chapter 8. Verses referred to include Galatians 5:18; Psalms 40:8; 2 Thessalonians 1:8; Acts… Read More

Romans N (8:1-11)

Posted: January 14, 2015

Lesson N (12 minutes) begins the second half of the series Romans A-Z. Listen carefully for the many connections to the concepts Paul has developed earlier in the letter. The… Read More

Romans M (7:1-25)

Posted: January 13, 2015

This is the 13th podcast in Romans A-Z.  The lesson (24 minutes) goes through the entirety of Romans 7. Click here to download. Other biblical passages referred to in this lesson… Read More

Romans L (6:8-23)

Posted: January 12, 2015

The 12th podcast in Romans A-Z covers the remainder of chapter 6. I hope the talk (19 minutes) helps you think about God, and draw closer to him, all day…. Read More

Romans K (6:1-8)

Posted: January 11, 2015

Listen to the 11th podcast in Romans A-Z.  This podcast (13 minutes) covers the first 8 verses of the chapter. Click here to download. In chapters 1-3 Paul reasons that all… Read More

Romans J (5:12-21)

Posted: January 10, 2015

Listen to Romans J, the tenth podcast (15 minutes) in the series Romans A-Z. Sin came into the world through Adam (v.12), and salvation also comes to the world through… Read More

Romans I (5:1-11)

Posted: January 9, 2015

Here is the ninth podcast (14 minutes) in our series of 26 in Romans A-Z. Passages referred to include Acts 23:6; Ephesians 4:4; Titus 3:5; and Galatians 4:6. The sequence… Read More

Romans H (4:1-25)

Posted: January 8, 2015

In the eighth part of our series (18 minutes) we tackle all of Romans chapter 4. Click here to download. While I referred to a number of biblical passages, here… Read More

Romans G (3:10-31)

Posted: January 7, 2015

This is the seventh lesson (20 minutes) in our series, Romans A-Z.  There is some overlap with the previous podcast, is it ended with 3:10-18. Here we return to 3:10-18… Read More

Romans F (3:1-18)

Posted: January 6, 2015

This is the sixth lesson (14 minutes) in our Romans series. Click here to download. Some of the passages referred to in the podcast are Psalm 138:2; Romans 9:4-5; 15:4;… Read More

Romans E (2:17-29)

Posted: January 5, 2015

Romans E (18 minutes) continues the study of the typical weaknesses of religious people, particularly hypocrisy and condescension. Click here to download. Isaiah 52:5 — God’s people often misrepresent him… Read More

Romans D (2:1-16)

Posted: January 4, 2015

Listen to the fourth podcast in the series (15 minutes). Click here to download. Referred to in the lesson: The Last Things series (including the podcast on Those Who Haven’t… Read More

Romans C (1:18-32)

Posted: January 3, 2015

In our third podcast (21 minutes), we will tackle Romans 1:18-32. For more background on this passage, listen to the Fall of Rome podcast. Click here to download. This lesson refers… Read More

Romans B (1:16-17)

Posted: January 2, 2015

This is the 2nd lesson in a series of 26 on Romans. Here we cover the theme passage, Romans 1:16-17 (22 minutes). Recommended: study Habakkuk 2:4. Ponder: “From faith to… Read More

Romans A (1:1-15)

Posted: January 1, 2015

This is the opening podcast in the series Romans A-Z. In 26 daily lessons, we will explore Paul’s longest letter. First, we set the stage, by reading through chapter 1, verse 1-15… Read More